With tears a little blush with shame.

Seven nights without shaking your head to make yourself more awake. Then began to speak slowly. Chapter two hundred and twenty-three Natural eggs At first, I won’t say too much to Zuo Tian’s tears for seven nights, worrying that she can’t remember or digest them. Therefore, early teaching did not last long. At about nine […]

"Good teacher younger brother has this confidence, brother, how can there be any truth? If teacher younger brother wins this game, brother will definitely like to take charge of teacher younger brother." He said, raising a glass of wine at the far end of beam, "I wish teacher younger brother success at once."

The monk drank the wine and turned to walk outside the camp. Jade Duxiu Liang Yuan glances got up and followed the monk out of the camp. Since someone was sent to find out the details in the past, it is only natural to look on and see if there are any flaws and see […]

The shepherd barked, "You are going backwards …"

The sound of edge grazing is not finished yet. Sun Haofei rushes forward with high speed and strength, which makes Sun Hao’s front Gege Ke and Gege Damu not respond. Sun Hao has pushed Qi Qi forward and rushed out of the river bank to fall to the cliff. Several people rushed out of the […]

Golden magic spiral pills are ejected from Tam’s mouth.

And an amazing speed toward Sarah head boom in the past. Facing the amazing magic spiral pill Sarah can rush to defend at this time. See his arm Long Lin began to emit black light. Finally, his right hand formed a dark psychic energy barrier. And this energy barrier just appeared and Tam magic spiral […]

I have seen a flush in my eyes.

However, there is no breath in the adult’s standing face, and there is always a faint smile and self-confidence, while from the ship array, it is more stable and abnormal, without any signs of collapse. Good measure, my Lord Sun Hao had a smile on his face, but he also thought in his heart, "What […]

Chapter five hundred and fifty-five Ramble about

"It’s not a white worry. It’s the first time that we all want to try our best and think a little more." Ding Qiunan listened to Li Chu and struggled to sit up from his arms. "I gave my sister the cotton ticket and the cloth ticket and asked her to help. Go and buy […]

When the rich boss heard Li Chu say that it was a hospital, he looked back at the door and whispered, "Did you change a hospital?"

李楚摆摆手示意没事“院还没到手不过也差不多了就是想过来跟你打个招呼回头还是需要你找人给帮忙修一” “您给我活干说什么帮忙不帮忙我先谢谢您嘞!”富老大一听又要有活干了脸笑都止不住了进入冬天了现找他们修房人可不多“您说那个院有多大?” 李楚想了一“院不算大就二百来平吧一个一进院房必须要重新修建才能住人” 富老大听完愣了一然后问道“李大夫您说不会是那个房主被……房吧?”说着富老大手还比划了一个枪样 “嗯这周围如果没有第二个那号主那咱俩说应该就是一个地了”李楚点了点头“看样富老大你知道那个院啊” “知道我们这些走街串巷都知道那件事那个院我还看过去年街道办找我过去想让我给修修后来一听要花钱太多就再也没有动静了” “你知道就好办了我现打算把那个院买过来你觉得那个院怎么样?”李楚想听听专业人士意见 “李大夫我跟您说实话我不知道您买那个院花了多少钱但是我觉得那个院确实不错虽然说回头修房还要花不少钱但是他值当啊这可是一辈事您看咱们现住这……”说着富老大手指了指外边“说是住四合院里实不就是个大杂院么那个院修好了往进一住门一嘿那才是真正四合院呢要我说啊您买着了” Li Chu was also very happy after listening to this, and he was more determined to buy it. "You happened to have seen that hospital, boss Fu. How do you think it should be repaired?" "Dr. Li, our second child is a carpenter. He also went to […]