Xia Qi hand smile to Du Qi strength also really admire.

At this time, Liu Du and his party were trapped in the Five Immortals’ Magic Array. If it weren’t for the umbrella, I’m afraid none of the five elements would want to live at this time. But even if one day an umbrella is built, it won’t last long Liu Du Xianyuan, after all, can’t […]

Alberto beside call good "that’s it! We Hertha don’t let people pinch soft persimmons casually! " Press officer, he was so angry at what he saw just now. What did those reporters take for themselves as a press officer when they left in front of their faces? Angry!

Don’t give them something to see if they are really so reckless? Manuel Garcia sighed naively when he saw that everyone was so angry and knew that it was irreparable. But deep down in his heart, he was a little touched … It’s nice to have someone behind him and someone to support him, even […]

"Your personnel will stop at the end of this week. I won’t care what you want to do and where you want to go." Han Chengyi bowed his head and handled the hand documents. He signed her off and she went to a place like abroad, and even if she wanted to, she couldn’t manage it.

"…" Le Xuewei was surprised to see him slowly digesting the meaning in his words. Did he agree to her going abroad? "Still the leng wear stem? Go do something! " Han Chengyi didn’t raise his hand to let her go. Le Xuewei returned to his desk and didn’t figure it out. Why did he […]